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ALPA endorses COLDA 2020, virtual conference on liver disease in Africa


The ALPA is proud to endorse COLDA 2020, a virtual conference on liver disease in Africa organized by Virology Education in close collaboration with local societies. COLDA 2020 aims at empowering African healthcare professionals (HCPs) to diagnose, prevent, treat and achieve a cure for liver diseases for the benefit of patients in Africa.


The conference will be held between September 10 and 12, hosting a number of international and regional experts who will cover several topics, including an introduction to Viral Hepatitis, political support and public health involvement, and challenges of integration of services.


Confirmed speakers include Kenneth Kabagambe, the Founding Executive Director of the National Organization for People Living with Hepatitis B (NOPLHB); Dr. John W. Ward, a senior scientist at the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) assigned to The Task Force for Global Health; and President of Ain Shams University Dr. Mahmoud El Meteiny. The program chairs include Dr. Manal El-Sayed Professor of Pediatrics at Ain Shams University; Dr. Charles A. B. Boucher professor in Virology at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam; Dr. Mark Nelson, a consultant physician at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London; and Dr. Papa Saliou Mbaye