26 Emobilya Building , sherif basha street, Downtown , cairo , egypt

  • info@alpa-africa.org
  • (002) 01019557006
  • Head office phone number

Alpa African liver patients association

AU road map

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AU road map

ALPA and Establishing a Roadmap -AU - Exploiting demographic profits through investing in youth,  
Pillar III / Axis n• 3 regarding health and well-being :
Promote sustainable investments in health systems, including human resources and infrastructure, to promote access to health services with good quality for all and ensure adequate funding for the health sector in accordance with Abuja's commitments and to fight against widespread. diseases that undermine quality of life and labor productivity
Develop the framework of promotion and implementation of health policies, as well as strategies regarding community participation and behavior change measures to promote the reproductive rights of women and girls in order for them to access information and services related to sexual and. reproductive health
Promote cross-sectoral action for health at all levels (governmental and non-governmental), which indicates general oversight of all appropriate and necessary measures to improve reproductive health and maternal, newborn. child and adolescent health
ALPA is considered to be a mechanism to implement these measures through its projects, which will work to raise public awareness of health in Africa through the activities of the member institutions, as well as through the implementation of the recommendations of the conferences held by ALPA that seeks a clear strategy for each African country to address the prevalence of viral hepatitis. ALPA is also interested in educating women about their role in African societies and their constant contact with children. who are more vulnerable to diseases’ infection